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Five Key Ways to Grow Your Career

Five Key Ways to Grow Your Career

  1. Build a solid network.
    Relationships are an essential part of your personal and professional life. Whether it’s with your
    current or former employer, building a solid foundation of professional connections is critical.
    Clients, peers, and subordinates, in addition to your management team, can all validate the
    quality of your work. Thoughtfully build your network and continue to learn from every level.
    Make LinkedIn work for you. If you haven’t already, create your LinkedIn profile, add your
    skills and contributions to beef up your profile. Endorse your colleagues and request their
    endorsement. A nod from your peers, or a positive review from a previous client, speaks volumes
    on LinkedIn.
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  1. Set goals.
    Be proactive. Setting goals for your professional career are critical. Start small and add new
    goals each year.
    Find your passion and connect with others that share your ambitions. By sharing with others,
    you’ll have an even greater network to leverage expertise and resources.
  1. Step outside your comfort zone.
    Look for opportunities to try something new and step outside your comfort zone. Are there any
    classes or trainings available at your company? Does the company offer tuition reimbursements
    for a class you’re interested in taking? If you don’t know, ask!
    When you have a passion for growing your career, take a shot on a “stretch assignment.”
    Whether it’s contributing to an additional project, or taking on a whole new role, this “stretch
    assignment” will add to your skillset, give you exposure to other people in your company, and
    allow you to gain insight into the expectations and daily work associated with a different position.
  1. Seek out a coach or mentor.
    A coach or mentor can be a person that’s in, or outside, of your organization. They should be a
    trusted advisor that can help guide you to the next stage of your career. Identify who that person
    is in your life and see if they’re interested in committing to your growth. You can have more
    than one. Keep in mind; it should be someone that can help you develop your personal and
    professional skills. Consider a person that is in a current role that you’d aspire to, or a person that
    can support your professional development, in preparation for the next step.
    Be receptive to feedback. Look at any constructive criticism as positive. Remember – your coach
    or mentor has your best interest at heart. Be open-minded when listening to their suggestions;
    this can have a lasting, positive effect on your relationship with them and help you identify
    talents in yourself that you may not have previously realized.
Do your customers seek you out?Successful Workplace
  1. Take the leap.
    Are you ready to grow? Sometimes you need to take the leap and find out. Before you do, make
    sure you can land on your feet. Have you excelled in your current role? Have you grown to your
    full potential? If you answered yes, it’s time to move on to the next stage of your career. Before
    presenting your interest to your manager, prepare to reference any positive comments from
    others about your performance to solidify your next move. Include any past performance
    evaluations to add credibility.

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